A stepped switch is in reference to tactile switches that feel like it has two stages. As opposed to hypertactile switches where the whole keystroke is a big bump, stepped switches feel more mild in comparison: you can feel some pre-travel and/or post-travel.
Durock T1
KTT Mallo
Aflion Carrot
TTC Silent Bluish White (V2)
Wuque Studio WS Light Tactile
Gateron Green Apple
Jwick Taro
TTC Brother
Durock Silent T1 (Shrimp)
TTC Gold Brown Pro
Gateron Weightlessness
Everglide Bamboo Green
KTT Matcha
Gateron Beer
Gateron EverFree (EF) Grayish
KTT Phalaenopsis
Cherry MX Purple RGB
Durock Blue Lotus
Aflion Shadow (Ink) Double Spring
Gateron Mini i
KTT Purple Click
TTC Bluish White
Wuque Studio WS Brown
Gateron G Pro 3.0 Brown
Durock Koala
Durock Ice King Tactile
Gateron Jupiter Brown
Jerrzi Violet